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The SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam client. It's primary used to install and update various dedicated servers that are available on Steam.

install the SteamCMD

This guide depends on debian/ubuntu servers, for other distros it should be similar but package names may differ. Install prerequirements:

apt-get update
apt-get install wget lib32gcc1 libc6-i386

Create a new user which will run the server processes

useradd -d /opt/steam -m -s /bin/bash -u 99 -U steam

Fetch the SteamCMD runtime for linux

su -l steam
mkdir /opt/steam/steamcmd && cd /opt/steam/steamcmd
wget http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
tar xzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

ln -s /opt/steamcmd/steam.sh /usr/local/bin/
ln -s /opt/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh /usr/local/bin/
ln -s /opt/steamcmd/linux32 /usr/local/bin

To install a dedicated server you need to find the right Steam app id of the dedicated server. Here's a list of well-known games

| Name                   | Game    | Engine | AppId  |
| ---------------------- | ------- | ------ | ------ |
| Counter-Strike 1.6     | cstrike | hlds   |     90 |
| Counter-Strike: Source | cstrike | srcds  | 232330 |
| Day of Defeat: Source  | dod     | srcds  | 232290 |